Mark Sanghoon Kim Empathy is Key

My Recent Notes

Sep 08, 2016
Blog post about what I've learned during the job search, and my thoughts on what it means to have grit.
Apr 08, 2016
Code typing racing game with singleplayer and live multiplayer modes. Built in React/Redux.
Feb 06, 2016
Using Backbone and MVC patterns, with a recap from Hack Reactor Weeks 3 and 4.
Jan 23, 2016
Instructions to starting a blog in ten minutes using Github Pages, and a recap from Hack Reactor Week 2.
Jan 17, 2016
Blog post about my thoughts on pair programming, and a recap from Hack Reactor Week 1.
more notes

Apps & Projects

React, Fluxible
The Vertical with Woj. Hub of NBA breaking news, info and storytelling. Site was built with isomorphic JavaScript as part of the Yahoo Sports website.
React, Redux, Node.js, MySQL
Code type-racing game to improve your speed and accuracy as a coder. You can either race against the clock, or show off your skills in live muliplayer with your friends in a private or public game.
Angular, NodeExpress, MySQL
Web app that connects people with study partners and organizes meet ups by location and topic.
Angular, NodeExpress, NoSQL
Dating app that allows users to schedule dates at local coffee shops.
React.js, Webpack, Bootstrap
Youtube Search built with React.
HTML, Google Maps API
A simple solution that calculates the time and money costs of one's everyday commute.
Backbone.js, HTML
Web audio player built with Backbone.js. Has queuing functionality.
Live Preview Markdown Editor with a GitHub-flavored Markdown.
Source code of my blog. Built with Jekyll.
Visual Basic, XML
This paper examines the benefits and technical challenges of combining statistical analysis and negative pressure wave technology for leak detection. It will present the field application of the two systems on a 170 km crude oil pipeline.
Self, Learning
Why me? I am my biggest project. I know that I, as a project, will never be completed. And I want to constantly be learning and growing.
more projects on github